zetef (a.k.a. tarskpean)
$cat info plans mysterious_chant
yep, this is not me, but John Oates (**.,.*,. ... . * .** . ,... .
has one hell of a look. *, , . . . .. *, .. ,* . .
... ...., * **,*.,. . . , .,*..
//about me on the other hand * ** , **,*, .* .. . . . ..
I like to mess with C and separately .. . .** . ,.*.** .
with C++ (they are two kinds of ,/.. . ,***(((##(((((((* ..
beasts), and also with Lua. (((((..**(((((((. ****/((((( . .****
(considering I surely do not prefer ((((((#, ..((***,/#*./((%%%%(( (((((
this scripting language because of (((((((*((((%%%%%(%%%%%%%%#((((((%(
its great integrations with C) (((((((((((%%%%%%%%%%%%%((((((((((( .
I li(k)e thinking about myself that ((((((((((,((..,%%%%%%%%((%%%(((%%(
I can do a thing or two with my ((((((((( .,**,,*%%%%((((#*((%%%((/.
cognitive skills, especially using (((((((((((((,((*(,,((((((/**((%%%%%%%((
them for problem solving and... %(/((((((((((,..((((%%((,**(((%%%%%%%(((
'other stuff' concerning my 'logic & *&%%/***,(((((**((((*, **((((%%%%%(((((
reasoning skills'.
my current plans for the future include:
- [ ] a better understanding of the computer
- [ ] solving the N queens problem blindfolded
- [X] write down another list of temporary-for-later-use-useful things to
forget later
- [ ] the Way of the Hacker is not a checklist of skills