

this is a classic buffer overflow attack. downloading vuln we can do basic inspect with IDA.


looking at the basic program flow we can notice a couple of things:

  1. we are reading from stdin the variable var_3E with the help of gets
  2. we are checking a mysterious (for now) variable var_C against the value of 0
  3. if the flag is set (i.e. var_C is 0) then execute some code that does not help us
  4. otherwise (i.e. var_C is not 0) then execute some code that prints out our flag.

from these things we must conclude that it is necessary to overwrite the value of var_C in order to get the flag.

looking at the stack of main we can notice another thing; the ‘distance’ between var_3E and var_C is 50 bytes. that means if we read more that 50 bytes from stdin then we can overwrite the value of var_C and thus printing the flag. we shall do just that with a simple command.



Trace my libraries


what other tool is best suited for tracing library calls? ltrace of course! we will do as follows:


looks like we need to see more of the flag. we can open up man ltrace and read about the -s option. we run again this time with a sufficiently big strsize:



that’s all for pwn… check out the next section OSINT.